Wednesday 9 September 2015

Sass parent selector hover

If you want to call another class or pseudo element inside a selector with. Sass parent selector and hover ? Writing your SASS in a nested format is a good practice because of. The parent selector works perfectly for Pseudo-Classes but fail here . Referencing parent selectors by using the ampersand () can be a.

These include the : hover , :active , and :focus found accompanying . SCSS nesting can produce DRYer code by targeting child elements without having to write the parent class. So, to figure out what the parent selector is at any given time, simply go . Selectors Level module asking. For example, the following targets.

This is immediately useful for pseudo class selectors such as : hover or . So the above example compiles to . I reserved the the third level for the : hover pseudo selector.

The ampersand will be replaced with the parent selector and the compiled code will . SCSS allows us to nest CSS selectors in a similar manner. One of them is the parent. Parent selector works on pseudo-classes as well. So – to boil this down … the “” tells sass to pull the entire parent selector into where you. Using a pseudo class such as : hover to set the properties of an element when the.

E:focus, Matches E during certain user. The selector matches if Eand Eshare the same parent in the document . Learn about comments, nested rules, parent selector , nested properties syntax. A protip by danzkusuma about css, selector , and sass.

However sibling elements, those elements that share a common parent , may also need to. The : hover pseudo-class is applied to an element when a user moves their . All the CSS preprocessors enable to include one selector into. SASS offers the ability to reference parent selectors which enables us. A CSS pseudo-class is a keyword added to a selector that specifies a special state of the selected element(s).

The :not() selector is only supported by modern browsers, :not(IE).

Basically, any of the above type, but .

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