Friday 2 October 2015

Sass list functions

Returns the position of a value within a list. Basically it means you can process a list quite like a string, or use list functions on a string . The lists can be specified using any of the options described in . You can add and removes values to lists as . That function loops through all the lists in $breakpoint- list , checks the .

In this article Hugo Giraudel discusses where we should be using multiple arguments, a list or an arglist when writing functions or mixins in . Part of the chapter deals with how to index a list and iterate over . SassScript includes functions for color, lists , selectors, and more. These are the list functions , . This is the 2nd tutorial in a series that show users how to code CSS using advanced features in Sass. Hi there, is there somewhere a list of the sass functions we can use?

I could not find it in the jsdocs Thanks.

JSON encode and decode functions for node- sass. I ended up putting a few rage fueled demos together that use different list and color functions. This post serves as a brief walk through of the bits . Maps give us more dimension to store and retrieve values from a list.

For complex mixins and functions , this could come in handy to provide a better. It has built-in functions to process these colors without having to keep track of all the variations. Lists in SCSS are immutable.

All list functions return a new list rather than updating the existing list in-place. Parameters: list - a comma or space separated list of values. This function works the same way as the contrast function in Compass for SASS. This kind of power is great for a parts-kit.

A little function and mixin to add some flexibility. Full list of available sass functions can be found here. If we switch to master branch we can notice that we have some new functions added for . Selector functions are very liberal in the formats they support for selector arguments.

Tests whether all items from `$ list ` pass the test implemented by `$ function `. Given that we want to merge lists inside of a list , this approach . Otherwise we could duplicate those values to another variable which will be either a list. Functions can accept multiple arguments in . SASS cheatsheet, all the main features of the SASS and SCSS syntax. The entire list of these functions could be found .

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