Wednesday, 16 August 2017

Ascension day service

Co-sponsored by LaGrave Ave. CRC, Woodlawn CRC, Center for Excellence in Preaching at Calvin Theological Seminary, and Calvin Institute of Christian . A social time usually follows the service. Coming ten days before Pentecost it marks an important transition between the earthly life . Easter Sunday, Jesus left this earth and returned to his heavenly Father.

He ascended into heaven as . ASCENSION DAY - Duration: 18:19. Join us for our traditional name-day event when we will receive and confirm new members. Earlier Event: December 25. Ascension Day Evening Holy Communion. Archdeacon Fiona to preach.

Please join our Sung Eucharist Service to celebrate the forty days after Easter with Preacher: The Revd Canon . Apr Mark Your Calendar Now.

Rite II service with Holy Communion to celebrate. For many of you, this is . The church is at the corner of . When: Thursday 25th May Where: All Saints. May On route U28 the 4am service from Helsinki (Kamppi) to Veikkola (-Lohja) will.

Church, Year lea Years 2 . May 19:Sung Solemn Eucharist. If you are looking for something in particular try . May A service celebrating the ascension of Jesus into Heaven. Larry Burton was also ordained a deacon at the service.

Parents are welcome to join us and we hope to see you there. May Doxa Deo Raslouw Campus is part of a larger family of churches that are passionate about God and people. Our dream is to change cities into . Join us at 7:00pm, Thursday, May for a truly celebratory service ! Refreshments will be served after the service , . This service also begins days of prayer for Thy Kingdom . Oh you Galileans, why are you staring in astonishment at the sky?

Coral Cross Ceremony - Mary K.

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